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Summit offers new spring seminars

Once again, Summit Christian College is offering a variety of topics and titles through our series of Bridge Seminars. All seminars will be held on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and last a duration of 45-minutes.

Seminars are offered free of charge and are available to individuals or groups of students as a church or organization. These seminars will utilize the same set up as our Summit Bridge courses. ​

Enrollment is easy, just go to our Seminar enrollment page and select the seminars you our your group would like to participate in and we will email you all of the necessary information. For more information, call us at (308) 632-6933.

Spring 2019 seminar schedule:

Thursday Jan 17, at 6:30 pm. By Professor Andi Grant

Title: You Can't Make Me! Motivation in the Classroom

Sit Down! Be Quiet! Because I said so!

When children aren't motivated to learn, they act out. When adults aren't motivated to learn, they zone out...or quit coming. Keep students engaged longer by learning about different types of motivation and how it affects learning and student success.

Thursday Feb 7, at 6:30 pm. By Professor Scott Gribble

Title: Going Deeper with Online Bible Study Sites

Whether you are preparing lessons or doing your own Bible study, there are multiple free online resources available to help you go deeper in your study. This class will introduce the students to a few of the more popular sites and help them immediately start using the resources.

Thursday March 14, at 6:30 pm. by Professor Dave Robinson

Title: Parables of Jesus

Description – Over one third of the teaching of Jesus in the first three Gospels is in the form of parables. This seminar will seek to define what parables are and suggest some guidelines for understanding them better.

Thursday April 11, at 6:30 pm. by Professor Aaron Prohs

Title: The Old Testament in the New

There are close to 2600 different references of the Old Testament in the New Testament! This seminar is an introduction into why the NT authors use the OT and the different kinds of ways that they do. And why this is important for our understanding of the Bible.

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