Mentored Ministry
Mentored Ministry Overview
Mentored Ministry is a practical ministry program for students that complements the academic program in the classroom. It provides students with a hands-on, active, learning experience that integrates academic exercise with practical ministry in an observable and evaluative environment.
Each semester, every student in the program teams up with a mentor from a local congregation serving in an area of ministry in which the student has an interest. Throughout the semester, students, under the oversight of their mentor, serve, helping to fulfill the mission, goals, and objectives of the ministry. At the end of the semester, students may elect to continue serving in the area of ministry, or they may select to serve in a different area.
Mentored Ministry Goals
Through the Mentored Ministry Program, Summit Christian College seeks to ensure that all students will:
Comprehend the mission of Christ’s church and understand how various ministries in the church work together to fulfill the mission.
Grasp how various ministries meet the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of those who are being served.
Identify a personal passion for an area of ministry that the student would further pursue either vocationally or non-vocationally.
Gain practical skills for faithfully executing specific ministries.
Mature emotionally and spiritually through ministering in Christ’s church.