Summit Christian College's Fall 2017 semester will officially get underway on Monday, August 21 with an all-school Welcome Back breakfast in the dining room. All new and returning students, faculty and staff are invited to attend. Classes, including Composition and Grammar I, Homiletics, and Christian Leadership Principles, will also be held. All other classes, including Summit Bridge classes, will begin on Tuesday, Aug. 22.
The college faculty and staff are excited to welcome all new and returning students. Dorms will be open for new students to move in beginning on Tuesday, Aug. 15. New student orientation, which is required of all new SCC students, will be held Aug. 16-18.
Two other events will also be held the first week of school to help new and returning students get acquainted and settle into the SCC family. Convocation will be held on the evening of Wednesday, Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. in the SCC Chapel. This is a time of officially welcoming the freshman class and signing of the SCC Students' Book. Then on Friday, Aug. 25 everybody heads to the Wildcat Hills south of Gering for the college's annual Fall Advance, a time of hiking and exploring our beautiful western Nebraska scenery, music, fellowship, and devotions.
Registration for the Fall Semester will remain open through the end of August. Students can enroll in a full program course of study or individual classes. Contact the SCC Admissions Office at (308) 632-6933 or admissions@summitcc.net for more information.