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Response to Our Christmas Letter

We Offer Our Heartfelt Thanks

Students are enjoying our new computers in the computer lab

Every year we send out an annual Christmas letter in an effort to join together with all of our friends who have a heart for the ministry of Summit Christian College. We do this as a way to tell you what we are asking God to help us with. We have called it our “Christmas Wish List” but in truth, it is an honest, open-hearted assessment of what our faculty and staff would like to see us try to obtain beyond our budget to help support the ministry of the college and uplift our students as they pursue their education.

We cannot begin to tell you how much we have been blessed by your prayer filled, generous responses.

At the start of the spring semester, our students came back from Christmas break to find six new mini-Mac computers installed and waiting for them in our computer lab and brand new ovens installed in each of the dorm kitchen areas. Every one of the individual books for the library that were itemized on the list have been ordered right along with the bookcase for the reference/study area. A partial set of Word Biblical Commentaries has been donated. Financial gifts made it possible for us to order the rest of the set. Soon, I will be going after a Windstar minivan that was donated and will be talking to a car dealer about purchasing a Sedan with another $11,000 worth of gifts that are set aside for that purpose. The Commons Furniture is also ordered and even the three new ceiling fans for classrooms can now be purchased.

If you still have a copy of our Christmas Letter from SCC, please take a good look at it and then consider this. All of the Christmas gifts this year have closely equaled what our Christmas Wish List declared we needed!

We sincerely hope that this good news brings you the kind of joy that has delighted us as we begin this New Year. We praise God for all of these blessings and even more, we thank Him for the truly beautiful blessing of having friends like you who care so much for the ministry of Summit Christian College.


David K. Parrish


Summit Christian College

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