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Take Notice Tuesday! Learn about Becca Lillie

Welcome back to the Summit Spirit!

If you haven't noticed, our blog took a little hiatus, which means we missed out on a few Focus Friday posts! Becca Lillie noticed, which is why this week we're taking a new spin on the Focus Friday post for "Take Notice Tuesday!"

There is no one better to take notice of this week than Miss Rebecca Emily Lillie herself (but please call her Becca!) who is a Junior at Summit that has come to us all the way from Gallup, New Mexico.

Choir Tour 2014 1451_edited.JPG

(You may recognize this image as an SCC marketing favorite! It's Becca!)

Why Summit Christian College?

Becca is currently seeking a Bachelor of Science in Bible with a focus on Youth Ministry. Becca has a calling from God to be a junior high youth minister.

--> In fact, in just a few short questions, she named "middle school students" as inspiration and passionate subjects 7 times!

Life at Summit Christian College:

So far, Becca has enjoyed her Christian Education classes at SCC the most because they have given her new tools for teaching and ways to make lessons fun for her future students. Her biggest inspiration on campus has been Aaron Prohs, a professor, because of the way he has impacted the way she looks at the Bible.

Becca lives in the dorms on campus. The dorms give Becca a sense of family here and she loves that she's able to both give and receive encouragement from her peers in the dorms. Although Gering is quite different from Gallup, Becca loves how the community here is a "small-town, loving community" that makes her feel right at home, even 800 miles away.

Life after college:

Becca plans to move to California after graduation. Her ultimate goal is to work at a Christian Church and get her masters degree in teaching and a teaching license so she can teach middle school.

More about Becca:

Becca is a very friendly, high-energy, God-loving young woman that wants to share her passion with junior high students. In her free time, she loves to scrapbook and drink Diet Cherry Limeades from Sonic (Rt. 44 is the way to go!) and watch the Green Bay Packers win. Her favorite time of the year is Christmas time, because she loves to decorate, wrap gifts, and drink hot chocolate! Becca would love to travel the world and especially Europe because of the history and her family history there. As such a well-rounded individual, we're lucky to have Becca on our campus, sharing the Word with everyone she meets!

If Becca had 3 wishes, they would be:

1. To have enough money to get a master's degree.

2. To go and see the world.

3. To have Blake's Lotaburger come to Nebraska.

Becca's favorite Bible Verse:

Romans 8:37-39

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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