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Focus Friday: Danyele Dajana Bahn

It's time for another Focus Friday! This week we get to learn more about Summit Christian College junior, Danyele Bahn! Danyele is from Firestone, CO and is currently seeking her Bachelor's Degree in Christian Education. She graduated with her Associate's Degree in May.


Life at Summit Christian College

Danyele chose to come to SCC because she wanted to learn more about the Scripture. Her church in Firestone was a supporter of SCC, and she already knew others that had attended. She says that she knew that if she came to SCC she could follow God for the rest of her life.

Danyele's favorite class so far has been Galatians because she loves Bible classes. She says she can't pick a favorite professor because she's inspired by all of them and they way they have followed Christ's call to ministry.

Life at after college

After graduation, Danyele plans to get her Masters Degree in Psychology so she can work with children. She would love to either go overseas or stay in the U.S. Eventually she wants to open her own Christian Counseling Practice.

More about Danyele

Danyele is very creative, has a great sense of humor and she loves fashion. She enjoys painting canvases and making all kinds of crafts. She also likes to play softball and basketball. Her favorite professional teams are the Denver Nuggets and the San Diego Chargers. She was adopted when she was 3-years-old and she has two brothers that were also adopted. Danyele's favorite drinks are ice-tea and Dr. Pepper. Her favorite candy is Snickers!

If Danyele had three wishes, they would be:

1. To travel all around the world and spread the Word of Christ without being afraid. Her dream is to travel to the Holy Lands and to Italy to see where Paul and Jesus were in action.

2. To be a fashion designer and to make people happy.

3. To be successful in her career.

Danyele's Favorite Bible Verse:

Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

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