The end of the academic year is quickly approaching. Our senior class members are in the process of completing their year and their degrees, with Finals Week projects, tests and Senior Sermons. We have been so blessed by the dedication our seniors, and all of our students have shown during the past nine months. From insightful devotions and sermons to humorous pranks and joyful laughter and fellowship, our students truly are the heart of Summit Christian College!
This week we all took a little breather before the coming rush of end-of-the-year events and responsibilities, gathering down at Oregon Trail Park in Gering for our annual Skip Day. Lively games of softball and Extreme Frisbee allowed all the students (and some professors) to blow off some steam, along with a cook-out, devotions and prayer. As they say, a day hemmed in prayer never comes unraveled.
Students are now back to the classrooms, dedicating themselves to their projects and studies. The seniors have been presenting their Senior Sermons during our weekly Chapel hour on Wednesday and staff members are busy with preparations for the upcoming Graduation activities, our 9th annual Summit to Summit Run/Walk and Christian Services Expo on May 13 and our annual fundraising Golf Tournament on June 19. We are also making the final push for our Wide Horizons Capital Campaign before the end of our fiscal year in June.
There is plenty to do in these final weeks. Our God has been faithful, guiding and going with us in every step. Please keep our students, staff, faculty, families, and college in your prayers for the coming days and weeks!
Home Choir Concert, Sunday, April 30 - 6:00 p.m. at Gering Central Church of Christ
Awards Banquet (all invited), May 4t - 6:00 p.m. No Cost.
Final Exams are May 8-11.
Bible Exit Exam (Seniors Only) Tuesday, May 9 - 9:30 a.m.
Graduation Practice (all graduates, administration, and faculty participating in graduation) Tuesday, May 9 - 11:00 a.m. at Gering Central Church of Christ. Caps and gowns will be distributed at this time.
Swag Bag packing: Andi and Jill will be packing the swag bags for Summit to Summit and will need as many volunteers as possible. May 9 - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the chapel.
Senior Breakfast (all invited), May 12 - 8:00 a.m. No cost for students, additional guests are $6.
Commencement (Graduation ceremony), May 12 - 7:00 p.m. at Gering Central Church of Christ. Reception in the gym to follow.
Summit to Summit Run/Walk and Christian Services Expo, Saturday, May 13 - 7:30 to 11:00 a.m.
Dorms Close, May 15 at noon. ALL students must be moved out by noon.