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Online Resources

List for websites that have some free full-text articles and other helpful information.

Bible Gateway - A searchable online Bible in more than 200 versions and 70 languages.

​ - A nondenominational Bible-based site that exists to freely share the good news from God to the entire world so you can know the truth about life and eternity


Blue Letter Bible - A searchable online Bible program providing access to many different Bible translations including KJV, NKJV, NLT, ESV, NASB, and many others. In addition, in-depth study tools are provided on the site with access to commentaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other theological resources.


Catholic Encyclopedia - Information on Catholic Church doctrine and actions, produced by a layman. Includes links to select Church documents.


The Christian Chronicle - A newspaper committed to the highest standards of journalistic excellence; seeks to inform, inspire and unite Churches of Christ worldwide.


Christian Classics Ethereal Library - A digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books selected for edification and education.


Christianity Today - A globally-minded evangelical magazine that provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on the news and ideas of our day.


Discipliana - Disciples of Christ Historical Society is pleased to announce the launch of the Journal of Discipliana, online-only, open access, peer-reviewed journal for an original scholarship that explores issues related to all aspects of thought and religious life and practice within the historical or contemporary Stone-Campbell Movement. 


Does God Exist? - Quarterly journal authored by John Clayton to provide evidence to open-minded, thinking people that God does exist—that the Bible is his word and that science and belief in God are compatible.


Herald of Truth Records Collection - Founded in 1952, the Herald of Truth Ministry initially broadcast the message of Jesus Christ through television, shortwave, and radio to the millions of people who have never heard the story of Jesus. Today, this legacy lives on as Herald of Truth has greatly expanded its global reach, with radio and outreach programs now extending across the globe. The archive includes audio, documents, film, and images.


Insight for Living Ministries - A site committed to excellence in communicating the truths of Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ in an accurate, clear, and practical manner so that people will come to an understanding of God’s plan for their lives, as well as their significant role as authentic Christians in a needy, hostile, and desperate world.


Jewish Encyclopedia - The complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906. The Jewish Encyclopedia, which recently became part of the public domain, contains over 15,000 articles and illustrations.


Mission Journal Archive - Launched in 1967, Mission was a forum for theological reflection on issues such as race, gender, war and peace-making, the place of the church in urban society, the nature and implications of Restorationism, and critical Biblical and historical scholarship.


Open Access Digital Theological Library (OADTL) - A virtual library for theology, religious studies, and related disciplines. The OADTL is staffed by professional librarians and curates high-quality content in religious studies and related disciplines from publisher websites, institutional repositories, scholarly societies, archives, and stable public domain collections.


Providence - Providence magazine exists to equip the American mind to engage the real world, to inform its audience on Christianity as it relates to the broader world through American foreign policy. A community of like-minded authors who can speak with authority on these issues and interpret news and events through the rubric of Christian orthodoxy and American tradition.


Restoration Quarterly - Devoted to advancing knowledge and understanding of New Testament Christianity, its backgrounds, its history, and its implications for the present age. This repository hosts selected Restoration Quarterly articles in PDF format. For the benefit of users who would like to browse the contents of RQ, all issue covers are included even when full-text articles from that issue are unavailable. All Restoration Quarterly articles are available in full text in the ATLA Religion Database.


Restoration Serials Index - An index to periodicals published by members of the Churches of Christ and other branches of the North American Restoration Movement.

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