Welcome to another Focus Friday!
This week we get to learn more about Emilie Jones, a Junior at Summit Christian College from Alliance, NE!

Why Summit Christian College?
Emilie originally chose to come to SCC when she learned about the college in her church, at summer camps and youth rallies. She grew up in a strong Christian home on a small ranch, and her sister attended SCC as well (she graduated with her Certificate in Christian Foundations). Emilie was further drawn to SCC when she learned it was inexpensive and close to home. Finally, SCC met her life and ministry goals: To strengthen her faith, learn how to share it, and learn how to teach.
Life at Summit Christian College
Emilie is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Bible. She achieved her Associate of Arts in Bible degree from SCC in May of 2014. Her favorite SCC classes so far have been New Testament (NT) classes such as Acts and NT Survey because they helped her understand the demographics of the NT books and how to apply the principles within them to her life and ministry.
Emilie says she has found Andi Grant to be one of her most inspiring professors at SCC because Andi has modeled how learning can be fun while still hitting the key points of each subject.
Life at after college
After achieving her Bachelor's Degree, Emilie plans to marry Ryan Yates, pursue some sort of equine ministry, children's ministry or Sunday School teaching. Wherever she goes, she plans to be sensitive to Christ's leading.

Ryan Yates and Emilie Jones during the 2014 Choir Tour
More about Emilie
There are tons of interesting facts about Emilie that make her the wonderfully talented, optimistic and beautiful young woman that she is! Outside of school, she loves to ride horses and go for walks or bike rides through the beautiful residential part of town. Emilie helped break two horses growing up and she loves training animals. She considers herself "chronically happy," and believes she is beautiful just the way God made her. Reading Bible commentaries and learning in any way that interests her are some of Emilie's favorite ways to pass time.
Emilie loves lasagna, broccoli-rice casserole, cinnamon rolls and cabbage burgers. She loves Twix and Salted Nut Rolls when she wants candy.
If Emilie had three wishes, they would be:
1. To be able to travel worldwide without finances. She would love to go to Ireland some day because it is pretty, has castles, and would be a good place to ride horses - she loves the green landscape!
2. To spend weekdays riding her horse and weekends hanging out in the city with her friends.
3. To be able to ride a horse bare-back and bridle-less and to still be in full control.
Emilie's Favorite Bible Verses:
Proverbs 21:21
Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Ephesians 4:29
Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.